Author: Jessica Boyyer
When it comes to making money online, Autoblogging is a path many choose to take. The whole concept is one that anyone would like: you set up the blog, and it'll take care of the rest. It'll post for you, keep itself updated, and eventually start bringing income. If you are interested in making your own autoblog or you've seen the new eBook by Henrik Nielsen, Autoblogging Handbook, stay tuned to learn more and decide for yourself if you want to make money online with Autoblogging.
What is autoblogging?
An autoblog is a blog, usually using a Wordpress or Blogger platform, that runs independently. You set it up with the right add-ons and plug-ins, and it will do everything else. It will post new posts, deliver new content automatically, and submit book marks and pings to help your blog get noticed with search engines. It's known as a "set-and-forget" method.
That sounds so easy! Why doesn't everyone start autoblogs?
Well, as easy as it sounds, it's not an instant cash machine. Any business, online or offline, requires smart work and some preparation. That's not to say that there is no potential in autoblogging or that it's dead.If you take time to look for great keywords, and add some of your personal ingenuity, an autoblog can be a great addition to your income or even be enough to live off.
How do I start? What is involved with an autoblog?
Autoblogs are relatively cheap and easy to start for internet marketeers, newbies and veterans alike. The first thing you'll need is a blog, which can be found for free with Wordpress or Blogger, but it's recommended to pay for your own domain and hosting (which can be found for $10 or less per month). The next things you'll need are plug-ins. There are various plugins for each task, so take a look around and find what looks for you.
Many are free, and the paid plug-ins are usually cheap, too. These plugins will automatically post articles, products, and reviews from all over the Internet. They'll fill your autoblog with fresh content every day, as well as constantly alerting search engines like Google and Bing that your blog is something new and interesting to pay attention to.
Autoblogging Handbook may be one guide you will be interested in. The author outlines how he built his autoblogs to become a self sustaining cash cow.
Remember, offline or online, it's important to never give up. Go thru the motions, take the proper steps, and enjoy your success.
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About the Author
Stay at home mom, blogger, Jill-of-all-trades
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Make Money From Blogging - The Secrets To $200/Day
Author: John Young
Make Money From Blogging - The Secrets To $200/Day
In the past recent years make money online from blogging have been booming like crazy. Even people start making affiliate review sites from wordpress blog style and customize the theme. There's a reason why blogs can give you more success compared to normal websites. It has way better structure for on page SEO and it automatically pings Google as well every time you update your content. People also love to interact in blogs, it creates community and viral marketing tactics from your own blog.
However, when it comes to blogging, most people have no clue what to do. They just start the blog, update the content everyday, install all-in-one SEO pack, find common backlinks, and hoping one day Google would pick them up and they get relevant traffic. Unfortunately this kind of thing rarely happens.
What To Do To Make Money From Blogging?
The problem people have with internet marketing is their lack of creativity. Popular blogs don't get traffic only from search engine. They create loyal readers and they are extremely good in pre-selling their affiliate offers/paid review. There are tons of way to make money from blogging, start from putting ads, selling affiliate offers, doing paid review, and even selling backlinks.
The hardest part for bloggers to get success is how we can create loyal readers and how we can get very relevant traffic that we will convert into customers. Now you won't find much information on these anywhere but there is this Blogging To The Bank which will guide you step by step to get such success in matter of months.
Of course it will take time and dedication to make it happen. However, Blogging To The Bank provides insightful guides and approach different system to start making money online from blogs. They can even make you $500 from the very first week if you copy their techniques.
Learn How To Make Money From Blogging - Visit Blogging To The Bank
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About the Author
John Young is a experienced web entrepreneur who like to experiment with new methods of make money online.
Reach The Perfect Search Engine Optimiser For Enhancing Online Presence
Author: Grace
The acronym SEO is interesting and it is primarily the process of making a site visible to the visitors. Different ways of process are initiated for betterment of a site and better ranking in the search engines. The different web design companies offer considerable services for better web design, development and better ranking. A search engine optimiser is aware of the techniques and algorithms used for making a particular website higher ranked. Editing content and Hyper Text Markup Language is a typical skill that enables better connectivity of a site with the other ones. Finding a company that provides end to end services is not difficult in Sydney.
Australia led in electronic commerce and Search Engine Marketing and PPC services are common, professionals are quite aware of the latest techniques. PPC is just a process called Pay Per Click. Within the process of SEO, link exchange and communication with other popular sites play a crucial role. Actually web traffic flows from other sites. Content play an important role in the SEO process and effective use of keywords within web content is essential for better optimisation. Sydney SEO and Search Engine Marketing professionals work in association with content writers who use keywords technically.
Webmasters started optimisation just about a decade back with the increasing web traffic. For product promotion SEO of a site is now mandatory. With current, unique and fresh content the process of Search Engine optimisation become easier. There are different companies that develop web and assure SEO process. Today companies do not want a portal that is not visible in the search engines. Popular search engine Google is now using search history to populate popularity of a particular site. Australian professionals remain aware of the best techniques through exchange of knowledge and experience, the SEO and SEM professionals regularly arrange for seminars and get together.
There are companies that offer toll free numbers for the customers seeking effective web presence. The toll free numbers can be punched in to reach the customer care executives. There are terminologies like "crawler" which are studied in an in-depth manner. There remain different digital libraries, often referred for better ranking of sites.
Organic Search Engine Optimisation is used to explain ranking of site without external efforts, it is indeed interesting as sites are developed and launched in such a manner that it excels with extraordinary efforts. The qualities of sites are made in such a manner that due to high information and usefulness people reaches the site and automatically the number of visitor increases. There are several sites that come with outstanding contents and content indeed play a crucial role for search engine marketing and search engine optimisation.
There are online articles and resources that help us to know more about the processes of search engine optimisation and role of a search engine optimiser. It is necessary to remain well aware of the tools and techniques. Effective study helps to avoid concepts like keyword stuffing or excess use of a keyword. PPC services are indeed interesting as it helps a site to rank better with increasing number of clicks. It is prudent to seek quotes from the best Sydney Search engine optimisation and search engine marketing companies as most of these service providers offer no obligation quotes.
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About the Author
Sigma InfoTech an AWARD WINNING Australian based Web Design firm specialising in Website Design, Website Development, Application Development, and Graphic Design Australia. Call 1300 782 023 for an Obligation Free Consultation.
How To Get Your Website To The Top Of Google And All Major Search Engines Fast
Author: Karin Manning
You have probably just built a new website, submitted it to search engines and are now waiting wondering where all the visitors are that are going to put hundreds of dollars into your bank account. A few weeks pass by and you are still left wondering where all your website traffic is. Your website is open for business but no-one seems to know about it.
If this situation sounds familiar to you then you have probably thought about giving up and thowing the whole thing away. This is NOT what you should do and this is not how your website is going to rank high in the search engines.
There is one critical first step that you must follow when creating any website. This crucial first step involves picking the best keywords for your on page optimization and the only way you can decide which keywords will get you the highest rankings for your website is by doing some research.
Your first point of call must be at one or all of the following online keyword research tools:
All of these tools are free (there is a free trial for Wordtracker); however, where Wordtracker differes from the other websites mentioned above is it shows you how competitive your keywords are compared to other websites. The higher the KEI analysis number the less competitive the keyword phrase is and the easier it should be to get a high ranking with that chosen keyword.
In Goodkeywords you type in your chosen niche topic. For argument sake we will use the example camping. Goodkeywords will bring up the top 100 keywords related to campming that were searched in the last month. On the right the number of times that keyword has been displayed appears for the last 30 days. It is absolutely critical that you do NOT start on page optimization of your home page for keywords at the very top of the list. Before you think I\'m crazy there is a very good reason for this and that is if a certain keyword high on the list is searched that many hundreds of thousands of times you will have an almost impossible time to get noticed between all the other hundreds or millions of competitive websites that are also targeting that same keyword. For this reason alone do not start off optimizing your website for the keyword camping.
Let me go back a minute to show how competite the word camping is. If I go to Google and enter camping I find that there are 230 million other websites targeting the same phrase. It is always best to start of targeting keywords that have the least competitive keywords as possible. Once you start getting traffic from search engines with your main keywords you may then start targeting more competitive phrases.
Using the online tools I\'ve mentioned above it\'s easy to find a few less competitive phrases that can be a good base for our on page website optimization related to camping.
It is also important to repeat the same research process by going to Google and seeing how competitve your chosen keywords are. I will start with the keyword and take a few minutes to analyse the number 1 website for that keyword on Google.
It is also critical to analyze what the page rank is of the number 1 website for your chosen keyword. Page rank is used by Google in ranking websites and generally the more links that you have pointing back to your website by other websites the higher your Google page rank will be. Download the Google toolbar for free to find out what your page rank is and the page rank of other websites at
Now we need to do a little spying on the website that has number one for that keyword. We do that by looking at the HTML code or source code of their website. Go to that website url and click on View and then Source. That website\'s HTML code will appear in a notepad file. That file contains what the web page will look like when 'read' by search engine robots. This trick will show you exactly what on page optimization is being used to rank so highly in the search engines.
Search engine optimization involve both on page and off page optimization. In this article I am focusing on on page optimization. I will deal with off page optimization in more detail at another time.
Now when we view the source code we want to look at the header tags for a start. Do you see h1 at the very top of the source code. If not then that\'s a bonus. If you do then it is important to make a note of what words they are using for their heading 1.
The next thing you need to look at is title. What is the title that they are using. This should appear immediately below the head tag. It is also important to make a note of the keywords that they are using in the title. The less words you actually have in your title the better. It is also critical that your main keyword or keyword phrase is in your title too.
Now take a moment to check out the keywords that they are using in the meta tags and make a note of them.
Use the same keywords they use, check out the keywords that they have used in their description. Make a note of their description. A good guide for you is to repeat your main keyword or keyword phrase two or three times in the description but obviously in a way that makes sense.
Look at their webpage to find out if they have bolded, underlined or italicised their main keywords. If they have then you know that you need to do the same thing to achieve high rankings for your chosen keyword. If you have trouble looking for these codes in the notepad file simply look at the webpage itself.
One more thing to look out for in their source code is wehther they have optimized their images for the chosen keyword. For example, some website images will simply have bigebook.jpg as the name of their image but have not used alternative text. An example of an alternative text would be home made dog treat ecover.
Just following a few of these very simple SEO techinques and strategies will greatly increase your rankings in the search engines. To ensure you get the highest possible search engine rankings that you can it\'s absolutely
critical that you spend a little time finding out search engine optimization secrets of the professionals.
Fortunately affordable small business seo techniques and help is readily available if you know where to look.
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About the Author
If you are 100serious about getting top search engine rankings on Google and other major search engines then you need to get over 130 pages of FREE Affordable Small Business Search Engine Optimization SEO
Secrets at today!
Your website is open for business but no-one seems to know about it. There is one critical first step that you must follow when creating any website.
You have probably just built a new website, submitted it to search engines and are now waiting wondering where all the visitors are that are going to put hundreds of dollars into your bank account. A few weeks pass by and you are still left wondering where all your website traffic is. Your website is open for business but no-one seems to know about it.
If this situation sounds familiar to you then you have probably thought about giving up and thowing the whole thing away. This is NOT what you should do and this is not how your website is going to rank high in the search engines.
There is one critical first step that you must follow when creating any website. This crucial first step involves picking the best keywords for your on page optimization and the only way you can decide which keywords will get you the highest rankings for your website is by doing some research.
Your first point of call must be at one or all of the following online keyword research tools:
All of these tools are free (there is a free trial for Wordtracker); however, where Wordtracker differes from the other websites mentioned above is it shows you how competitive your keywords are compared to other websites. The higher the KEI analysis number the less competitive the keyword phrase is and the easier it should be to get a high ranking with that chosen keyword.
In Goodkeywords you type in your chosen niche topic. For argument sake we will use the example camping. Goodkeywords will bring up the top 100 keywords related to campming that were searched in the last month. On the right the number of times that keyword has been displayed appears for the last 30 days. It is absolutely critical that you do NOT start on page optimization of your home page for keywords at the very top of the list. Before you think I\'m crazy there is a very good reason for this and that is if a certain keyword high on the list is searched that many hundreds of thousands of times you will have an almost impossible time to get noticed between all the other hundreds or millions of competitive websites that are also targeting that same keyword. For this reason alone do not start off optimizing your website for the keyword camping.
Let me go back a minute to show how competite the word camping is. If I go to Google and enter camping I find that there are 230 million other websites targeting the same phrase. It is always best to start of targeting keywords that have the least competitive keywords as possible. Once you start getting traffic from search engines with your main keywords you may then start targeting more competitive phrases.
Using the online tools I\'ve mentioned above it\'s easy to find a few less competitive phrases that can be a good base for our on page website optimization related to camping.
It is also important to repeat the same research process by going to Google and seeing how competitve your chosen keywords are. I will start with the keyword and take a few minutes to analyse the number 1 website for that keyword on Google.
It is also critical to analyze what the page rank is of the number 1 website for your chosen keyword. Page rank is used by Google in ranking websites and generally the more links that you have pointing back to your website by other websites the higher your Google page rank will be. Download the Google toolbar for free to find out what your page rank is and the page rank of other websites at
Now we need to do a little spying on the website that has number one for that keyword. We do that by looking at the HTML code or source code of their website. Go to that website url and click on View and then Source. That website\'s HTML code will appear in a notepad file. That file contains what the web page will look like when 'read' by search engine robots. This trick will show you exactly what on page optimization is being used to rank so highly in the search engines.
Search engine optimization involve both on page and off page optimization. In this article I am focusing on on page optimization. I will deal with off page optimization in more detail at another time.
Now when we view the source code we want to look at the header tags for a start. Do you see h1 at the very top of the source code. If not then that\'s a bonus. If you do then it is important to make a note of what words they are using for their heading 1.
The next thing you need to look at is title. What is the title that they are using. This should appear immediately below the head tag. It is also important to make a note of the keywords that they are using in the title. The less words you actually have in your title the better. It is also critical that your main keyword or keyword phrase is in your title too.
Now take a moment to check out the keywords that they are using in the meta tags and make a note of them.
Use the same keywords they use, check out the keywords that they have used in their description. Make a note of their description. A good guide for you is to repeat your main keyword or keyword phrase two or three times in the description but obviously in a way that makes sense.
Look at their webpage to find out if they have bolded, underlined or italicised their main keywords. If they have then you know that you need to do the same thing to achieve high rankings for your chosen keyword. If you have trouble looking for these codes in the notepad file simply look at the webpage itself.
One more thing to look out for in their source code is wehther they have optimized their images for the chosen keyword. For example, some website images will simply have bigebook.jpg as the name of their image but have not used alternative text. An example of an alternative text would be home made dog treat ecover.
Just following a few of these very simple SEO techinques and strategies will greatly increase your rankings in the search engines. To ensure you get the highest possible search engine rankings that you can it\'s absolutely
critical that you spend a little time finding out search engine optimization secrets of the professionals.
Fortunately affordable small business seo techniques and help is readily available if you know where to look.
Article Source:
About the Author
If you are 100serious about getting top search engine rankings on Google and other major search engines then you need to get over 130 pages of FREE Affordable Small Business Search Engine Optimization SEO
Secrets at today!
Your website is open for business but no-one seems to know about it. There is one critical first step that you must follow when creating any website.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
This iPhone 5 Concept Design Will Blow Your Mind!
Fan-created concepts have always shun a light on what an upcoming product might look like, and this one isn’t an exception. Brazilian Graphics Design student Schasiepen Guilherme Martins has created a concept of what the next iPhone should look like, based on the various reports that have come out of the rumor mill over the last few months.
As you can tell from the pictures below, the concept alludes to many of the rumored enhancements mentioned over the last few months. The design looks significantly thinner than the current iPhone, just like recent rumors have pointed to, and the screen is 4-inches-large, without visibly increasing the size of the device from what we could tell from the pictures. There’s also an 8-megapixel camera with 1080p video shooting capabilities, as most reports have pointed to, and an HD camera on the front. In order to address low reception complaints, Martins also predicts a new antenna placement in order to stop calls from dropping unexpectedly, even when the phone isn’t “held properly”.
Reports of a larger screen have started surfacing ever since then a Chinese website claimed to have obtained concepts of the next-generation iPhone. Although bigger, the screen isn’t expected to increase the device’s size. Instead, it will eliminate the bezel around it. A larger screen won’t only provide more real-estate for the Home Screen and other apps, but it will also make watching video on the device a lot more pleasant.
These concepts seem to bridge reports that the next iPhone won’t look any different from the current one with those that claim that there will be a complete case redesign. In fact, a design like this could exactly be what Apple is thinking of going for: not a radical new design, but some changes to the current one in order to remain competitive in the smartphone market.
The next iPhone, rumored to be named either iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S, is expected to be introduced by Apple in September and released soon after. The new device is expected to include iOS 5, currently in beta stage and expected to come out in its final form later this year, as well as several hardware upgrades, mainly a dual-A5 processor and an 8-megapixel camera.
(source MacMagazine – In Portuguese) (via 9to5Mac) (Schasiepen Guilherme Martins on Flickr)
iphone 5,
iphone 5 concept,
Source URL :
Switzerland : Lake Geneva : Geneva
Geneva (French: Genève, German: Genf) [1],Switzerland's second-most populous city, is one of the world's major centers of international diplomacy, having served as the site of the initial headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Although the United Nations is now headquartered in New York, the organization still retains a large presence in Geneva at the Palais des Nations and many of its sister/child organizations, such as the World Health Organization and ILO. Geneva itself has only 188'000 citizens but 780'000 people live in the metropolitan region (Jan. 2009).
Geneva was one of the eight host cities in the 2008 European Football Championships.
Five Best Malware Removal Tools
Author: Jason Fitzpatrick
Source URL :

Photo by Anonymous9000.
The internet—unfortunately—isn't a never-ending buffet of secure open-source software and Bollywood-style musicals starring LOLCats. There are people and organizations that delight in stealing your personal data, hijacking your computer, and making a general nuisance of themselves through malicious software. This week we're highlighting the top five tools for removing software with ill-intentions from you PC.
Spybot Search & Destroy (Windows, Freeware)

SUPERAntiSpyware (Windows, $30)

ComboFix (Windows, Freeware)

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (Windows, $25)

HijackThis (Windows, Freeware)

Now that you've had a chance to look over the contenders for top malware killer, it's time to cast your vote and see who goes home with the crown. A note about the poll: the option for "Other" is missing from this week's poll. We understand that the best way to get rid of malware is to hit it with multiple tools until the infestation is good and dead, but we'd like you to cast your vote based on the best possible (single) tool for the job, not on the scorched earth policy of using them all. If you have an Other vote for a completely different malware-removal tool, we're happy to hear it in the comments.
This week's honorable mention goes to "Reformat" (as in your hard drive) as a last-ditch, foolproof solution to your malware problems. Apparently sometimes when you find a mouse in the kitchen the only way to be sure there aren't any more of them in the walls is to burn the whole house down. Have a malware horror story, a favorite tool, or a prevention tip you want to share? Sound off in the comments below.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Download Transformers 2
Author: Joshua Mintz
Transformers 2 Download
Transformers 2 will be one of the biggest movies of its genre, no doubt. And just like the 100\'s of movies before it, it will be downloaded from Movie Download sites across the web. With the down economy, even people who can afford to go watch movies at the theater, will look into staying at home and using the internet for there entertaiment needs. And watching movies will remain a top entertainment choice for young and old alike.
But if you are gonna download movies on the internet , you should choose carefully. Many sites will offer movies and T.V. shows , only to let you down with nothing more than trailers and previews. And worse , some sites will be dishing out virus infected files that can harm or damage your PC, leaving you jaded and totally frustrated.
Download Transformers 2 NOW!
Downloading Transformers 2 can be easy and safe if you download from 'Safe Download' sites.
These sites will offer you 24 hour support. This support will not only be for answering questions, but it will be for checking all the files in the database. The support technicians are trained to locate files that have been tampered with. That is usually a pretty common occurence , and will not be a problem for tech Support.
Another Thing to look out for when choosing a download site is reputation.
The best download sites are backed by larger companies like AOL, Cnet , and Tucow. Those are software sites that give there seal of approval to sites that they find trustworthy and safe. The reason why a site like AOL will give another site its seal of approval is because AOL can gain good exposure from sponsoring a valued site. So its safe to say that a company that big would not approve just any site. It would definitely be a negative mark against them if they backed a subpar download site.
So when you find a download site with seals like that, you can trust them. They are 99.9safe and trustworthy.
Why Download Transformers 2 ?
One of the best reasons to download Transformers 2 from a download site is because of the availability. When you join a download site, you will have instant access, 24 hours a day! No waiting , or hoping that it isnt all rented out from the video store. Plus, its way cheaper to use a download site.
With online rental sites like 'netflix' and 'Blockbuster', you have to pay monthly fees. You are also limited in the number of movies you can watch at any one time. When you join a download site, to watch Transformers 2, or any other great new release, you have unlimited options. There are no limits to the number of movies you can watch and own. And you dont even have to download it. With live streaming, you can watch it , without downloading. And many people prefer that option, as to save space on the hard drive. Not to mention, you can just bo back and watch it again , whenever you want. Easy, right?
Just in case you are interested in checking a download site out for yourself, I placed a link to one of the best, if not the best, download sites on the net at the bottom of this article.
Enjoy, and Transformers 2 is awesome!
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About the Author
Click Here for Instant Access to Top Movie Downloads
Transformers 2 Download
Transformers 2 will be one of the biggest movies of its genre, no doubt. And just like the 100\'s of movies before it, it will be downloaded from Movie Download sites across the web. With the down economy, even people who can afford to go watch movies at the theater, will look into staying at home and using the internet for there entertaiment needs. And watching movies will remain a top entertainment choice for young and old alike.
But if you are gonna download movies on the internet , you should choose carefully. Many sites will offer movies and T.V. shows , only to let you down with nothing more than trailers and previews. And worse , some sites will be dishing out virus infected files that can harm or damage your PC, leaving you jaded and totally frustrated.
Download Transformers 2 NOW!
Downloading Transformers 2 can be easy and safe if you download from 'Safe Download' sites.
These sites will offer you 24 hour support. This support will not only be for answering questions, but it will be for checking all the files in the database. The support technicians are trained to locate files that have been tampered with. That is usually a pretty common occurence , and will not be a problem for tech Support.
Another Thing to look out for when choosing a download site is reputation.
The best download sites are backed by larger companies like AOL, Cnet , and Tucow. Those are software sites that give there seal of approval to sites that they find trustworthy and safe. The reason why a site like AOL will give another site its seal of approval is because AOL can gain good exposure from sponsoring a valued site. So its safe to say that a company that big would not approve just any site. It would definitely be a negative mark against them if they backed a subpar download site.
So when you find a download site with seals like that, you can trust them. They are 99.9safe and trustworthy.
Why Download Transformers 2 ?
One of the best reasons to download Transformers 2 from a download site is because of the availability. When you join a download site, you will have instant access, 24 hours a day! No waiting , or hoping that it isnt all rented out from the video store. Plus, its way cheaper to use a download site.
With online rental sites like 'netflix' and 'Blockbuster', you have to pay monthly fees. You are also limited in the number of movies you can watch at any one time. When you join a download site, to watch Transformers 2, or any other great new release, you have unlimited options. There are no limits to the number of movies you can watch and own. And you dont even have to download it. With live streaming, you can watch it , without downloading. And many people prefer that option, as to save space on the hard drive. Not to mention, you can just bo back and watch it again , whenever you want. Easy, right?
Just in case you are interested in checking a download site out for yourself, I placed a link to one of the best, if not the best, download sites on the net at the bottom of this article.
Enjoy, and Transformers 2 is awesome!
Article Source:
About the Author
Click Here for Instant Access to Top Movie Downloads
How To Get Your Website To The Top Of Google And All Major Search Engines Fast
Author: Karin Manning
You have probably just built a new website, submitted it to search engines and are now waiting wondering where all the visitors are that are going to put hundreds of dollars into your bank account. A few weeks pass by and you are still left wondering where all your website traffic is. Your website is open for business but no-one seems to know about it.
If this situation sounds familiar to you then you have probably thought about giving up and thowing the whole thing away. This is NOT what you should do and this is not how your website is going to rank high in the search engines.
There is one critical first step that you must follow when creating any website. This crucial first step involves picking the best keywords for your on page optimization and the only way you can decide which keywords will get you the highest rankings for your website is by doing some research.
Your first point of call must be at one or all of the following online keyword research tools:
All of these tools are free (there is a free trial for Wordtracker); however, where Wordtracker differes from the other websites mentioned above is it shows you how competitive your keywords are compared to other websites. The higher the KEI analysis number the less competitive the keyword phrase is and the easier it should be to get a high ranking with that chosen keyword.
In Goodkeywords you type in your chosen niche topic. For argument sake we will use the example camping. Goodkeywords will bring up the top 100 keywords related to campming that were searched in the last month. On the right the number of times that keyword has been displayed appears for the last 30 days. It is absolutely critical that you do NOT start on page optimization of your home page for keywords at the very top of the list. Before you think I'm crazy there is a very good reason for this and that is if a certain keyword high on the list is searched that many hundreds of thousands of times you will have an almost impossible time to get noticed between all the other hundreds or millions of competitive websites that are also targeting that same keyword. For this reason alone do not start off optimizing your website for the keyword camping.
Let me go back a minute to show how competite the word camping is. If I go to Google and enter camping I find that there are 230 million other websites targeting the same phrase. It is always best to start of targeting keywords that have the least competitive keywords as possible. Once you start getting traffic from search engines with your main keywords you may then start targeting more competitive phrases.
Using the online tools I've mentioned above it\'s easy to find a few less competitive phrases that can be a good base for our on page website optimization related to camping.
It is also important to repeat the same research process by going to Google and seeing how competitve your chosen keywords are. I will start with the keyword and take a few minutes to analyse the number 1 website for that keyword on Google.
It is also critical to analyze what the page rank is of the number 1 website for your chosen keyword. Page rank is used by Google in ranking websites and generally the more links that you have pointing back to your website by other websites the higher your Google page rank will be. Download the Google toolbar for free to find out what your page rank is and the page rank of other websites at
Now we need to do a little spying on the website that has number one for that keyword. We do that by looking at the HTML code or source code of their website. Go to that website url and click on View and then Source. That website\'s HTML code will appear in a notepad file. That file contains what the web page will look like when 'read' by search engine robots. This trick will show you exactly what on page optimization is being used to rank so highly in the search engines.
Search engine optimization involve both on page and off page optimization. In this article I am focusing on on page optimization. I will deal with off page optimization in more detail at another time.
Now when we view the source code we want to look at the header tags for a start. Do you see h1 at the very top of the source code. If not then that's a bonus. If you do then it is important to make a note of what words they are using for their heading 1.
The next thing you need to look at is title. What is the title that they are using. This should appear immediately below the head tag. It is also important to make a note of the keywords that they are using in the title. The less words you actually have in your title the better. It is also critical that your main keyword or keyword phrase is in your title too.
Now take a moment to check out the keywords that they are using in the meta tags and make a note of them. Use the same keywords they use, check out the keywords that they have used in their description. Make a note of their description. A good guide for you is to repeat your main keyword or keyword phrase two or three times in the description but obviously in a way that makes sense.
Look at their webpage to find out if they have bolded, underlined or italicised their main keywords. If they have then you know that you need to do the same thing to achieve high rankings for your chosen keyword. If you have trouble looking for these codes in the notepad file simply look at the webpage itself.
One more thing to look out for in their source code is wehther they have optimized their images for the chosen keyword. For example, some website images will simply have bigebook.jpg as the name of their image but have not used alternative text. An example of an alternative text would be home made dog treat ecover.
Just following a few of these very simple SEO techinques and strategies will greatly increase your rankings in the search engines. To ensure you get the highest possible search engine rankings that you can it\'s absolutely critical that you spend a little time finding out search engine optimization secrets of the professionals.
Fortunately affordable small business seo techniques and help is readily available if you know where to look.
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About the Author
If you are 100serious about getting top search engine rankings on Google and other major search engines then you need to get over 130 pages of FREE Affordable Small Business Search Engine Optimization SEO Secrets at today!
You have probably just built a new website, submitted it to search engines and are now waiting wondering where all the visitors are that are going to put hundreds of dollars into your bank account. A few weeks pass by and you are still left wondering where all your website traffic is. Your website is open for business but no-one seems to know about it.
If this situation sounds familiar to you then you have probably thought about giving up and thowing the whole thing away. This is NOT what you should do and this is not how your website is going to rank high in the search engines.
There is one critical first step that you must follow when creating any website. This crucial first step involves picking the best keywords for your on page optimization and the only way you can decide which keywords will get you the highest rankings for your website is by doing some research.
Your first point of call must be at one or all of the following online keyword research tools:
All of these tools are free (there is a free trial for Wordtracker); however, where Wordtracker differes from the other websites mentioned above is it shows you how competitive your keywords are compared to other websites. The higher the KEI analysis number the less competitive the keyword phrase is and the easier it should be to get a high ranking with that chosen keyword.
In Goodkeywords you type in your chosen niche topic. For argument sake we will use the example camping. Goodkeywords will bring up the top 100 keywords related to campming that were searched in the last month. On the right the number of times that keyword has been displayed appears for the last 30 days. It is absolutely critical that you do NOT start on page optimization of your home page for keywords at the very top of the list. Before you think I'm crazy there is a very good reason for this and that is if a certain keyword high on the list is searched that many hundreds of thousands of times you will have an almost impossible time to get noticed between all the other hundreds or millions of competitive websites that are also targeting that same keyword. For this reason alone do not start off optimizing your website for the keyword camping.
Let me go back a minute to show how competite the word camping is. If I go to Google and enter camping I find that there are 230 million other websites targeting the same phrase. It is always best to start of targeting keywords that have the least competitive keywords as possible. Once you start getting traffic from search engines with your main keywords you may then start targeting more competitive phrases.
Using the online tools I've mentioned above it\'s easy to find a few less competitive phrases that can be a good base for our on page website optimization related to camping.
It is also important to repeat the same research process by going to Google and seeing how competitve your chosen keywords are. I will start with the keyword and take a few minutes to analyse the number 1 website for that keyword on Google.
It is also critical to analyze what the page rank is of the number 1 website for your chosen keyword. Page rank is used by Google in ranking websites and generally the more links that you have pointing back to your website by other websites the higher your Google page rank will be. Download the Google toolbar for free to find out what your page rank is and the page rank of other websites at
Now we need to do a little spying on the website that has number one for that keyword. We do that by looking at the HTML code or source code of their website. Go to that website url and click on View and then Source. That website\'s HTML code will appear in a notepad file. That file contains what the web page will look like when 'read' by search engine robots. This trick will show you exactly what on page optimization is being used to rank so highly in the search engines.
Search engine optimization involve both on page and off page optimization. In this article I am focusing on on page optimization. I will deal with off page optimization in more detail at another time.
Now when we view the source code we want to look at the header tags for a start. Do you see h1 at the very top of the source code. If not then that's a bonus. If you do then it is important to make a note of what words they are using for their heading 1.
The next thing you need to look at is title. What is the title that they are using. This should appear immediately below the head tag. It is also important to make a note of the keywords that they are using in the title. The less words you actually have in your title the better. It is also critical that your main keyword or keyword phrase is in your title too.
Now take a moment to check out the keywords that they are using in the meta tags and make a note of them. Use the same keywords they use, check out the keywords that they have used in their description. Make a note of their description. A good guide for you is to repeat your main keyword or keyword phrase two or three times in the description but obviously in a way that makes sense.
Look at their webpage to find out if they have bolded, underlined or italicised their main keywords. If they have then you know that you need to do the same thing to achieve high rankings for your chosen keyword. If you have trouble looking for these codes in the notepad file simply look at the webpage itself.
One more thing to look out for in their source code is wehther they have optimized their images for the chosen keyword. For example, some website images will simply have bigebook.jpg as the name of their image but have not used alternative text. An example of an alternative text would be home made dog treat ecover.
Just following a few of these very simple SEO techinques and strategies will greatly increase your rankings in the search engines. To ensure you get the highest possible search engine rankings that you can it\'s absolutely critical that you spend a little time finding out search engine optimization secrets of the professionals.
Fortunately affordable small business seo techniques and help is readily available if you know where to look.
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About the Author
If you are 100serious about getting top search engine rankings on Google and other major search engines then you need to get over 130 pages of FREE Affordable Small Business Search Engine Optimization SEO Secrets at today!
Hyper Facebook Traffic - Is It Possible To Make Money From Facebook?
Author: Brenna Jordan
Hyper Facebook Traffic - Is It Possible To Make Money From Facebook?
Different from search engine optimization and PPC, Facebook traffic has been really underrated. Most people say it\'s simply impossible to 'spam' Facebook with affiliate offers anymore. Well, it\'s their loss for sure. When you have fewer competitions on Facebook, you can actually make thousands of dollars from it.
I have been trying to find the best way to monetize my Facebook fake accounts. Some say it\'s very possible to make money from Facebook accounts while others say FB is complete useless. They all have one thing in common though, whether it\'s working or not their methods never really worked.
I have recently joined a program called Hyper Facebook Traffic. It throws in some very insightful guides on getting relevant traffic from Facebook. Even better, you don\'t have to build a single website and no we aren\'t talking about Facebook Ads here. Completely free, completely wihtout hassle.
The Techniques That Hyper Facebook Traffic Teach
Hyper Facebook Traffic focuses on list creation and relevant traffic generation. Since most people are unaware of Facebook potential, you can seriously achieve a lot of income with this complete guide. I am not talking some magic that can help you to get thousands of dollars in matter of days. Of course not, you need to put your efforts as best as you can in order to achieve the number you want.
Hyper Facebook Traffic offers nothing new but it makes a bit twist that most internet marketers don\'t know and don\'t want to experience. Imagine how big Facebook has become. In the near future people believe Facebook can easily beat Google in terms of traffic. Can you imagine how many people haven\'t used Facebook as their marketing tool yet? Compare that to Google where everyone\'s competing.
Hyper Facebook Traffic seems to know what they are doing best. Different from other Facebook gurus, Hyper Facebook Traffic provides detailed guides along with screenshot and video proofs on how to help your affiliate conversions by just using free Facebook Traffic.
Visit Hyper Facebook Traffic And Start Make Money Online With Facebook!
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About the Author
Brenna Jordan is a stay-at-home mom with 2 kids, one lovely daughter and one amazing son. She is a dedicated internet marketer in NYC
Hyper Facebook Traffic - Is It Possible To Make Money From Facebook?
Different from search engine optimization and PPC, Facebook traffic has been really underrated. Most people say it\'s simply impossible to 'spam' Facebook with affiliate offers anymore. Well, it\'s their loss for sure. When you have fewer competitions on Facebook, you can actually make thousands of dollars from it.
I have been trying to find the best way to monetize my Facebook fake accounts. Some say it\'s very possible to make money from Facebook accounts while others say FB is complete useless. They all have one thing in common though, whether it\'s working or not their methods never really worked.
I have recently joined a program called Hyper Facebook Traffic. It throws in some very insightful guides on getting relevant traffic from Facebook. Even better, you don\'t have to build a single website and no we aren\'t talking about Facebook Ads here. Completely free, completely wihtout hassle.
The Techniques That Hyper Facebook Traffic Teach
Hyper Facebook Traffic focuses on list creation and relevant traffic generation. Since most people are unaware of Facebook potential, you can seriously achieve a lot of income with this complete guide. I am not talking some magic that can help you to get thousands of dollars in matter of days. Of course not, you need to put your efforts as best as you can in order to achieve the number you want.
Hyper Facebook Traffic offers nothing new but it makes a bit twist that most internet marketers don\'t know and don\'t want to experience. Imagine how big Facebook has become. In the near future people believe Facebook can easily beat Google in terms of traffic. Can you imagine how many people haven\'t used Facebook as their marketing tool yet? Compare that to Google where everyone\'s competing.
Hyper Facebook Traffic seems to know what they are doing best. Different from other Facebook gurus, Hyper Facebook Traffic provides detailed guides along with screenshot and video proofs on how to help your affiliate conversions by just using free Facebook Traffic.
Visit Hyper Facebook Traffic And Start Make Money Online With Facebook!
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About the Author
Brenna Jordan is a stay-at-home mom with 2 kids, one lovely daughter and one amazing son. She is a dedicated internet marketer in NYC
Easily Bypass Internet Filter at Work Or School
Author: John Lee
If some websites get blocked in your company or school, how to access those websites at work or school? Today more and more employers and schools are becoming aware of the amount of time their employees or students are spending using the Internet for personal reasons. The network administrator uses a firewall or proxy server to restrict access to websites or other Internet protocols. Since all your Internet communication passes through your network\'s firewall, it\'s not strange that some websites (like myspace or game sites) get censored in your company or school.
There are three easy ways to get around the Internet filter:
1. The easiest way is to use a web based proxy. A web-based proxy is powered by server-side software such as PHProxy, CGIProxy, Poxy or custom proxy scripts. A web based proxy has a web interface very similar to the google search box. Just enter the website address you want to visit in that box and click 'submit' button, everything is done! You can find hundreds working web-based proxies at
2. Set a proxy in your Internet browser to browse blocked websites. This is not as simple as the first method, but it can be even more effective.
Pre-Step 1.) Go to the public proxy list at
Pre-Step 2.) Copy a few proxy addresses (Example - IP:Port) to the notepad. Some proxies may be dead so you need more than one proxy for test.
Then, if you're using Internet Explorer:
Step 1.) Open your Internet Explorer.
Step 2.) On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options, click the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings.
Step 3.) Under Proxy server, click to select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box.
Step 4.) In the Address box, type the IP address of the proxy server.
Step 5.) In the Port box, type the port number of that proxy (such as 80 or 8080).
Step 6.) You can click to select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box (optional)
Step 7.) Click OK to close the dialog boxes.
Step 8.) Your IE should now be configured to browse the net through a proxy server.
Detailed setting For Firefox browser users is available at
3. Download free proxy software. Some proxy software (like Freenet, JAP, and Tor) can automatic search the proxies from the Internet and configure the browser setting for you. For more info, please go to
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About the Author
John Lee is the admin of
If some websites get blocked in your company or school, how to access those websites at work or school? Today more and more employers and schools are becoming aware of the amount of time their employees or students are spending using the Internet for personal reasons. The network administrator uses a firewall or proxy server to restrict access to websites or other Internet protocols. Since all your Internet communication passes through your network\'s firewall, it\'s not strange that some websites (like myspace or game sites) get censored in your company or school.
There are three easy ways to get around the Internet filter:
1. The easiest way is to use a web based proxy. A web-based proxy is powered by server-side software such as PHProxy, CGIProxy, Poxy or custom proxy scripts. A web based proxy has a web interface very similar to the google search box. Just enter the website address you want to visit in that box and click 'submit' button, everything is done! You can find hundreds working web-based proxies at
2. Set a proxy in your Internet browser to browse blocked websites. This is not as simple as the first method, but it can be even more effective.
Pre-Step 1.) Go to the public proxy list at
Pre-Step 2.) Copy a few proxy addresses (Example - IP:Port) to the notepad. Some proxies may be dead so you need more than one proxy for test.
Then, if you're using Internet Explorer:
Step 1.) Open your Internet Explorer.
Step 2.) On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options, click the Connections tab, and then click LAN Settings.
Step 3.) Under Proxy server, click to select the Use a proxy server for your LAN check box.
Step 4.) In the Address box, type the IP address of the proxy server.
Step 5.) In the Port box, type the port number of that proxy (such as 80 or 8080).
Step 6.) You can click to select the Bypass proxy server for local addresses check box (optional)
Step 7.) Click OK to close the dialog boxes.
Step 8.) Your IE should now be configured to browse the net through a proxy server.
Detailed setting For Firefox browser users is available at
3. Download free proxy software. Some proxy software (like Freenet, JAP, and Tor) can automatic search the proxies from the Internet and configure the browser setting for you. For more info, please go to
Article Source:
About the Author
John Lee is the admin of
myspace backdoor,
myspace proxy,
proxy myspace,
web proxy
Wireless Home Security DVR
Author: cellphonebis
Security has become the important concerns in this living. A DVR (Digital video recorder) home security camera system is utilized to offer security. A digital video recorder (DVR) is really a gadget which allows analog signals from the home security camera, switches it into digital format, as well as shops it on the hard drive (or on some other media). DVR also offers a person user interface to manage the captured videos. A DVR device also enables you to do placing of motion detection feature and managing of PTZ video security cameras. A DVR gadget useful for security purpose is known as as DVR security system.
A DVR security system records the video signals transmitted with a CCTV camera. These types of signals are next useful for documentation and detection procedures. DVR video security cameras transmit digital signals to some hard drive or perhaps a DVR home security camera recorder. DVR video security cameras have a lot of features like motion detection, night vision, remote access, simplicity of use, but a vey important one is simple navigation. This feature enables you to jump to any kind of video without rewinding or forwarding. Previously video security cameras used to transmit analog signals with a video tape recorder (VCR). Digital recording and hard drive certainly has advantages more than analog signals.
A DVR home security camera system has following advantages:
• In DVR home security camera systems, recording quality is great.
• Recording can be achieved on the hard disk drive so you don't need to buy and alter the tape frequently as hard disk drive can easily store a lot more data compared to a tape.
• Automatic recording
• Enables easy research from the video depending on period, event or day.
With the previously discussed benefits, a Security DVR system has a few draw backs also. The draw backs are:
• As a result of high compression rate, digital video uses up lot of space on the hard disk drive and therefore the hard drive is definitely chock-full. There are few DVR video security cameras systems, that utilizes motion detection feature to resolve this challenge for an extent. Motion detectors notify your camera for determining the data compresion rate from the picture (then a picture with high data compresion is needed so when with low data compresion).
• Another drawback with DVR systems is image distortion. Image distortion occurs, when the camera adjustment isn\'t carried out correctly during the time of setup.
• Output of DVR home security camera systems can generate problems. Various DVR video security cameras may need different software program to see the file. Many DVR video security cameras need codec installation to see the files. A few DVR digital cameras need a media player that is based on that DVR home security camera system. In some instances, DVR home security camera system features its own media player and resolves this problem.
DVR home security camera systems tend to be most recent in surveillance technologies. These kind of cameras supply high quality pictures and videos. DVR video security cameras are cost-effective. So if you feel worried about the security of your loved ones or business and wish to protect your loved ones then get a DVR home security camera system.
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About the Author
Find more information about home security at
Security has become the important concerns in this living. A DVR (Digital video recorder) home security camera system is utilized to offer security. A digital video recorder (DVR) is really a gadget which allows analog signals from the home security camera, switches it into digital format, as well as shops it on the hard drive (or on some other media). DVR also offers a person user interface to manage the captured videos. A DVR device also enables you to do placing of motion detection feature and managing of PTZ video security cameras. A DVR gadget useful for security purpose is known as as DVR security system.
A DVR security system records the video signals transmitted with a CCTV camera. These types of signals are next useful for documentation and detection procedures. DVR video security cameras transmit digital signals to some hard drive or perhaps a DVR home security camera recorder. DVR video security cameras have a lot of features like motion detection, night vision, remote access, simplicity of use, but a vey important one is simple navigation. This feature enables you to jump to any kind of video without rewinding or forwarding. Previously video security cameras used to transmit analog signals with a video tape recorder (VCR). Digital recording and hard drive certainly has advantages more than analog signals.
A DVR home security camera system has following advantages:
• In DVR home security camera systems, recording quality is great.
• Recording can be achieved on the hard disk drive so you don't need to buy and alter the tape frequently as hard disk drive can easily store a lot more data compared to a tape.
• Automatic recording
• Enables easy research from the video depending on period, event or day.
With the previously discussed benefits, a Security DVR system has a few draw backs also. The draw backs are:
• As a result of high compression rate, digital video uses up lot of space on the hard disk drive and therefore the hard drive is definitely chock-full. There are few DVR video security cameras systems, that utilizes motion detection feature to resolve this challenge for an extent. Motion detectors notify your camera for determining the data compresion rate from the picture (then a picture with high data compresion is needed so when with low data compresion).
• Another drawback with DVR systems is image distortion. Image distortion occurs, when the camera adjustment isn\'t carried out correctly during the time of setup.
• Output of DVR home security camera systems can generate problems. Various DVR video security cameras may need different software program to see the file. Many DVR video security cameras need codec installation to see the files. A few DVR digital cameras need a media player that is based on that DVR home security camera system. In some instances, DVR home security camera system features its own media player and resolves this problem.
DVR home security camera systems tend to be most recent in surveillance technologies. These kind of cameras supply high quality pictures and videos. DVR video security cameras are cost-effective. So if you feel worried about the security of your loved ones or business and wish to protect your loved ones then get a DVR home security camera system.
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About the Author
Find more information about home security at
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